如果你点击VMware图标发现弹出一个对话框,内容如下时, VMware Workstation unrecoverable error:(vmui) Unable to create VmappPoll object:没有注册类别. Reinstalling VMware Workstation may help. A log file is available in "C:\Documentes and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\vmware-administrator\vmware-Administrator-XXX.log". A core file is available in "C:\Documentes and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\vmware-XXX.dmp". Please request support and include the contents of the log file and core file.To collect files to submit to VMware support, run cscript vm-support.vbs. We will respond on the basis of your support entitlement. 提示“没有注册类别”的解决方案为 在你的VMware安装目录下,就是和vmware.exe同一级的目录下创建一个文本文档,更名为:error.bat。主要就是后缀名一定要改为.bat的,前面的那个无所谓。 然后右击这个文件,点编辑,输入如下内容: regsvr32.exe vmappsdk.dll regsvr32.exe vmdbCOM.dll regsvr32.exe vmnetBridge.dll 保存,关闭。 然后再双击运行这个文件,再运行你的VMware试试。